Friday 18 October 2019

The Simpsons: 10 Funniest Homer Simpson Memes Only True Fans Will Understand – Screen Rant

The Simpsons have easily been a favorite TV show for so many people around the world since it first aired in December of 1989. When someone is a true Simpsons fan, it is unbelievably easy to relate to Homer’s many “doh” moments. Actually, it is easy to correlate pretty many of Homer’s special moments and apply them to our everyday lives! Memes can only make these moments so much more relatable!

When you are a real Simpsons fan, it only makes these memes even more hilarious! Continue reading to see the 10 of the funniest Homer Simpson memes that only true fans will understand!

RELATED: The Simpsons: 10 Funniest Ned Flanders Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

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10 The Struggle Is Real

When Homer Simpson tries to figure anything out, especially if it has any mathematics involved, it seems to automatically turn into rocket science! This meme could perfectly fit just about anyone who’s ever had to try to work with time management when there just isn’t enough hours in a day; or any day that tends to end in a “y!”

How is a normal human being supposed to even fit their social life, work, and trying to get enough sleep all into one compact day and still try to find time to hit the gym, anyway? The struggle is real!

RELATED: The Simpsons: 10 Funniest Mr. Burns Memes That Only True Fans Will Understand

9 Planning Out Your Future In 0.5 Seconds

People say that love at first sight is a real thing. Anyone who has ever made eye contact with someone who was ridiculously attractive can usually relate to this Homer Simpson meme.

Doesn’t Homer just rock this wedding dress perfectly? For some people, when someone catches their eye, they may have a flash-forward (the reverse of a flashback) to their imagined wedding day even though the chances of ever running into this handsome or gorgeous stranger again are slim to none. All it takes is 0.5 seconds to see your future played out in your mind!


8 How To Make New Friends

If you are not the most sociable people person in the world, you will most likely be able to relate to this hilarious Homer Simpson meme. Many people feel the need to get out there and start meeting new people and making new friends. But oftentimes when the opportunity comes into our lives, we shut the metaphoric garage door on them just like Homer does to Ned Flanders.

If only we could actually invent a remote that controlled when we want or don’t want to adult so that we could just as easily shut others out with a garage door-like remote!

7 Sleep Is Overrated, Anyway

Most people can relate to this funny Homer Simpson meme when it comes to insomnia and trying to get a decent night’s rest. Don’t you agree that we seem to get our best rest five minutes before our alarm is supposed to go off?

Adulting is hard, and there are just way too many reasons that we can’t seem to fall asleep every night. Perhaps if we start setting our alarms for 1 am, we’d be able to fall asleep by 12:55 pm!

RELATED: The Simpsons: 10 Movies You Didn’t Know Were Spoofed In the Tree House Of Horrors


6 Asking The Boss For That Well-Deserved Raise

This golden, blinged-out Homer Simpson perfectly says it all when we finally work up the courage to ask our boss for an additional $1.25 per hour so that we maybe have some hope of surviving in this cruel world! It can very easily be compared to trying to ask a Disney villain to leave the princess alone!

It is something that we hope for that will most likely never happen, but it can feel like asking golden Homer to grant us three wishes!

5 You Can’t See Me

Anyone who has ever worked in the medical field will be able to find this classic Homer Simpson moment completely relatable and hilarious!

When a patient’s family starts roaming the hallways looking for a nurse, medical assistant, or any other healthcare professional for the tenth time of the day, it seriously wants to make the medical professionals wish they could sink into the walls and disappear for a moment in complete hopes that the family member will just walk right on by! A majority of the time, family members can be much more vicious than the actual patient!


4 The Real Night-Time Struggle

This classic Homer Simpson meme goes straight to the real night time struggle; when you finally just get comfortable and don’t want to move even though you have to go to the bathroom, but not actually being able to sleep because you have to go tinkle so bad!

This scenario has to be one of the most annoying feelings in the world. Getting comfortable at night can oftentimes be half the battle, so once you finally get comfortable the last thing you want to do is move all because your bladder decided to scream inside your head!

RELATED: The Simpsons: 10 Of The Worst Things Lisa Has Ever Done, Ranked

3 Getting Inside The Mind Of Man’s Best Friend

When Homer Simpson starts thinking it can be pretty scary! Homer is standing in his classic thinking pose and this meme is phrased perfectly for this stance! Some people have a major disliking for authority, and this meme really goes to show it!

Some people see the cops and shout, “Oh crap, look it’s the cops!” So, asking ourselves if dogs think the same way seems like a logical question, right? This is one of those questions that can keep lots of people up all night!


2 How’s The Diet Going?

Not everyone feels like dieting and sticking to the doctors’ orders. So, it’s only natural to answer “Jigglin’ for justice.” when our friends ask us how our diet is going! This easily has to be one of the most hilarious Homer Simpson memes that say so much.

Homer is riding his tractor in his daisy dukes; also known as short-shorts, letting everyone see him for who he is skinny or not. Homer is one good looking fellow! Marge really is a lucky woman; depending on who you ask!

1 What’s Your Idea Of A Good Time?

This classic picture of Homer Simpson laying in his cozy bed like a hot and toasty cinnamon bun fits perfectly for this meme! We can usually all relate to feeling like the best way to have fun is to binge-watch The Simpsons while lying in bed!

It truly sounds like an amazing time once you exit your twenties, especially since almost everyone likes to sleep in every now and then! Plus, sleep and rest are excellent for the mind, body, and soul!

NEXT: The Simpsons: 10 Times Lisa Tackled Social Issues


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