Saturday, 26 October 2019

Tatá Werneck makes fun of her daughter's pose: "No more show" – UOL

Tata Werneck decided to make another joke with his daughter, Clara Maria. This time she used a baby pose, which appears in a photo with her hand in front of the camera, as if trying to block the click, to play with the girl's exposure.

"Enough of exposure. You are wanting publis at my expense. When I work out I'll expose the whole truth to the guys from the new formation video show," wrote the humorist in the caption of the image.

Since Clara was born last Wednesday, Tatá Werenck and her fiance, Rafael Vitti, have made a series of posts, showing the girl's face and making jokes. The actress, in particular, has made a lot of jokes since her daughter was born, using pictures, montages and funny phrases on social networks.

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Bài viết Tatá Werneck makes fun of her daughter's pose: "No more show" – UOL đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.


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