Saturday 19 October 2019

Funniest Quotes from Centenarians – Reader’s Digest

Now that’s a happy hour

Everyone has a favorite snack food and 106-year-old Edith Atkinson Wylie sees no reason not to indulge daily in her favorite: Bright orange, crunchy Cheetos. She loves them so much that she credits them as much as her good genes for her long life, according to Montana’s Great Falls Tribune. Find out what your favorite snack food says about you.

Truer words have never been spoken

Centenarian Quote

Forget your low-carb or low-fat diets; Susannah Mushatt Jones, who lived to be 116, kept a steady diet of bacon, eggs, and grits for breakfast. She even kept a sign in her kitchen that read “bacon makes everything better,” her daughter told USA Today. Her daughter reported that Jones ate four strips of bacon every morning, sometimes tucking an extra piece into a napkin in her purse for later. Here are more uplifting quotes that will stay with you.

Just what the doctor ordered

Centenarian Quote

A doctor asked Elizabeth Sullivan if she was careful to eat a healthy diet. He likely was not prepared for her answer: “I said, ‘Certainly not, I drink three Dr. Peppers a day,’ and he said, ‘Oh my goodness, that’s too much sugar. You will die if you keep drinking that,’” Elizabeth Sullivan shared with CBS news on her 104th birthday in 2015. But ten years after that conversation, it was her doctor, not her, who had died. “So I’m still drinking three Dr. Peppers a day and people said that’s bad for me but you know, not very many people live to be 104,” she said. “So I guess the sugar in the Dr. Peppers has kept me alive all this time.”

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