Wednesday 16 October 2019

A Dog and Chicken Are BFFs, Charge For Kisses and Eyeball Pecks, Respectively, and You Just Have… – POPSUGAR

If there’s one thing dogs are known for, it’s kissing, and slobbering, and slobber-kissing. Some people don’t like the sticky residue that’s left after a good smooch from a pupper, but others would do anything for some doggy love. Like pay for it!

In this hilarious picture we found on Instagram user’s @drinkingwithchickens page, her dog stands inside of a kissing booth offering his services to people for just 25 cents a lick. A steal! But it’s certainly not the only hilarious thing happening in this scene. Squatting on his turf is none other than a chicken — you read that right — who, based on the sign, considered also selling his kisses but then realized what he’s really good for: pecking eyeballs. Luckily, eyeball pecking is free, so if you don’t have a quarter on hand for the pup smooch, you can always go the way of the bird.

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Bài viết A Dog and Chicken Are BFFs, Charge For Kisses and Eyeball Pecks, Respectively, and You Just Have… – POPSUGAR đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.


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